Stephen Thorpe an Artnet Must-See during Armory Week

Here Are 11 Must-See Gallery Shows This Armory Art Week

There's more art to see beyond the fairs at Armory Art Week. Here is our pick of must-see gallery shows around Manhattan.

September 5, 2024


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The temperature outside is cooling, but in the galleries of New York City, it’s heating up with a crop of exciting and timely gallery shows. All across Manhattan, as visitors flock to the slew of art fairs that open this Armory week, commercial galleries are presenting solo and group shows that both harken back to history-making artists of the past, and present up-and-coming artists charting a new course. From super-sized sculptures to a resurgence of fiber art, plus mind-bending paintings and videos, here’s our pick of what to see around town.



“Stephen Thorpe: Dream House” at Dimin
September 6–October 19, 2024

 At first glance, you almost feel you can step inside Stephen Thorpe’s oil paintings of full-scale, elegantly appointed interiors that meld into dreamy landscapes. His latest suite of eight works is inspired by the “dream house,” psychoanalyst Carl Jung’s concept of the human mind as a home divided into different floors. Each painting shows the corner of a room, combining surrealist and naturalistic elements, as well as areas of thick impasto contrasting with more realistic passages.

September 5, 2024